Expanding Horizons in Dubai's Health and Wellness Industry,

  +971 55 120 0086  Office 117, Hudaiba Awards Buildings, Block B, Jumeirah 1, UAE

About Us

Our Services

Unveil Your Best Self with Our Tailored Health & Wellness Solutions

Who are we ?

In this era of internet where ample of suggestions, free advice from the people around, grand Ma’s home remedies, it is quite difficult to discover the correct approach that will 100% work successfully in weight management. But if you are looking for the expert advice to achieve our health goals then you have arrived the right place.

At EBH in Dubai, we understand having a great personality and fit body is not a choice but a necessity. Thus, having an expert team of highly trained and experienced professionals strive hard to live by our core values- ethical business, quality of service, and results working together relentlessly to deliver you the most efficient, cost-effective, and long-lasting solutions for your weight-related problems.

Treatment Success Rate:


Client Satisfaction Rate:

Sally Tailor | Fashion Store Owner

Sally Tailor | Fashion Store Owner

“Really good. Elite Body Home has completely surpassed my expectations.”

Our Mission

We provide customised innovative combination of weight loss techniques, combined with technology, diet plans and physical exercises which will bring in sustainable and positive life changing results in Obese adults and overall leading to much healthier and happier community.

Ethical Practice

Ethical Practice

Latest Technology

Latest Technology

Seasoned Specialists

Seasoned Specialists

Affordable Charges

Affordable Charges

Core Strength

Core strength of the company is the unique fusion of high-quality machines, holistic and all-round fitness solution provided under one roof.

You don’t need to be thin to look beautiful. Beauty comes in all shapes and forms. But obesity is never beautiful. Being severely overweight brings with it a plethora of health issues. There comes a time when mere dieting and working out just doesn’t melt the pounds. That’s when you turn to the professionals! If you live in Dubai and are looking to manage your weight, Elite Body Home is the going to be the right place for you.

We Started With a Simple Vision

To help our clients achieve their fitness goals with use of holistic, scientific, research-based approach and customised programs which will suit individual needs.

Our services are in line with UAE vision 2021 /2030 of sustainable development – Goal 3 which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all and striving to enhance community health by providing innovative and fair healthcare services.

Our Team of Dedicated Professionals

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